Church Counseling Resources
The Church provides
Counseling Resources
to help leaders support members on a wide range of emotional and social issues.
Additional resources for members include the following:
Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience (can be done at the Ward or Stake level or used as a resource for individuals and/or families)
Video Resources
Courses for
strengthening marriages and families
(can be done at the Ward or Stake level or used by individuals/families)
Life Help resources
(Includes resources on multiple topics, including mental health, abuse, addiction, pornography, parenting, divorce, employment, media safety, same-sex attraction, suicide, etc.)
Family Conversations:
Talking about Healthy Sexuality
Support for common
parenting challenges.
YA Weekly section of Liahona: This is an online section of the Liahona Magazine that has many articles each month about a variety of topics.
Although they have information specific to Young Adults, many of them are applicable to all and include mental health, social, and other issues.
Ex: coping with loneliness; service missions; anxiety/OCD; empathy; guilt and shame; etc.
Other Resources:
Addiction recovery groups (can sort by location or time as well as in-person or video - over 18 years old only)
Spouse and family support groups for family members of those struggling with addiction or compulsive behaviors (can sort by location or time as well as in-person or video - over 18 year olds only)
Talks and Articles:
Elder Holland, Like a Broken Vessel (Oct 2013)
Elder Holland, Be Ye Therefore Perfect, Eventually (Oct 2017)
Sister Abuerto, Through Cloud and Sunshine, Lord, Abide with Me! (Oct 2019)
Elder Kopischke, Addressing Mental Health (Oct 2021)
Sister Yee, Beauty for Ashes: The Healing Path of Forgiveness (Oct 2022)
Brother Brad Wilcox, Worthiness is not Flawlessness (Oct 2021)
Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Recovering From the Trap of Pornography (Liahona, Oct 2015)
Elder Holland, Lessons from Liberty Jail (BYU Speeches, Sept 7, 2008)
Brad Wilcox, His Grace is Sufficient (BYU Speeches, July 12, 2011)
Elder Richard G. Scott, To Heal the Shattering Consequences of Abuse (April 2008)
J.B. Haws, Wrestling with Comparisons (BYU Speeches, May 7, 2019)
If you are unable to click on the links, go to or the Gospel Library app and enter the words in the search bar.